Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Case Study Examination And Ethical Questions - 1646 Words

Case Study Examination and Ethical Questions Fraud in financial statements is one of the most common types of financial fraud committed by organizations. Tactics are utilized to inflate or deflate revenues and expenses to arrive at the desired financial position of executives of the business. Fraud, however, is not something derived from years of experience. As is the case of ZZZZ Best, the perpetrator of fraud in the case of this organization was its 15-year old owner, Barry Minkow. Case Study: ZZZZ Best Mr. Minkow started his carpet cleaning business at a young age of 15 years. He held aspirations of becoming a millionaire. Such aspirations led to Mr. Minkow masterminding a level of corporate fraud that propelled him to being labeled a ‘wonder boy’ on Wall Street and the lavish lifestyle he craved (Mintz Morris, 2014). Mr. Minkow was so successful in concealing his fraud, auditors failed to detect them when reviewing financial statements. That is until one individual, a former customer, unraveled his years of deception. The ZZZZ Best case was such that management set out to conceal the fraud from the Securities and Exchange Commission, their clients and investors, and the auditors engaged to conduct the audits of their public financial statements. The foremost question is, should said auditors be held accountable for their failures in cases where management goes to excessive lengths to purposely conceal such fraudulent activities from the auditors. TheShow MoreRelatedEthics And Its Impact On The Modern World964 Words   |  4 Pagesincreases the necessity for forms of leadership can be described as ‘ethical’ (Ciulla, 2004). Indeed, this is because of the fact that there has been an increase in the aspects of immorality in different areas of leadership, which leaders are supposed to consider in decision making processes (Alahmad, 2010). 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Literature Review On Cross Cultural Management-Free-Samples

Question: Write a Literature review on Cross cultural management. Answer: Introduction Cross cultural management is one of the important factors that need to be managed as the businesses are grown globally. In this literature review we will map the changing context of culture and the evolving phenomena that are available to provide global leadership. Cross cultural management refers to managing the differences among an individual due to different cultures. While analysing cross cultural management, global leadership plays an important role. Culture and Business In a business there are employees from entirely different culture and background. In order to make sure that businesses have high functioning the diversity issue need to be resolved. To ensure an effective working environment a sustainable workplace is needed that could be achieved by proper cultural management. The key reason of the issue is every individual have different customs and different communication styles, due to these differences there are chances of conflicts (Thomas and Peterson, 2017). Thus to minimize these conflicts cross cultural management is needed. Culture is an important component of a business and affects the strategies of a business. Culture of a business affects the decision making power. This helps in providing a right direction to the business in terms of conducting meetings, work placements or internships. Business culture depends upon the behaviour and ethics of employees. In a business people come from different countries and each country has different etiquettes thus it is necessary make sure that these difference dont affect the efficiency of the business (Karin Andreassi, et. al, 2014). Culture and business impact the global ethics of an organisation. The culture and values followed by an individual can underestimate the business environment.Business is same everywhere the only difference is culture, which refers to the overall behaviour from how a person eat to how a person communicate. Literature review According to (Bird and Mendenhall, 2016) , culture is the set of defined values, mind-sets and practices of a group of people. It includes the rules and perception that are followed by specific group. In a business it is important to have cultural awareness among individual this is done by understanding the cultural values of different religion. It doesnt mean accepting the customs of people from different culture its just understanding their mind set to avoid future clashes. Understanding the customs help in interacting with the members from different groups easily. In a business different cultures are growing day by day, but technology and media has somewhere helped in providing glimpse about other cultures. This fluidity helps in removing the bifurcation as it enable an individual to understand the customs in a better way. In the views of (French, 2015), it is important to maintain culture and business at workplace to avoid the barriers regarding different culture. Culture can be seen as a fuzzy set of assumptions regarding the values and orientations of ones belief. Various policies and procedures are defined for each member to know the meaning of others behaviour. For any organisations mangers need to look how to deal with people from different culture. If the policies are developed in a right manner the growth of the business would be rapid. In the research it was found that business culture is developed at three different levels that are various artefacts, values and assumptions. In business artefacts covers the dress sense of a person their statement and perception regarding their rituals. Values refer to understanding how and why they behave in a certain way. Additionally, assumptions vary from one person to person and the overall culture of business is displayed through combination of these thre e features. According to the study of article, it can be stated that business structure need to be managed by managers in a controlled manner to spread the cultural awareness. Cultural consequences triggers the organisational behaviour as greater level of cultural differences have negative impact on the business since it decreases the reputation of company and overall business for the long run (Pratt, 2004) . A cultural error may lead to loss of employees which generates pressure in the business. In the views of (Adler, Doktor and Redding, 2010), cultural differences affect businessin various ways. Especially while building the business with other country members the gestures should be followed according to their customs to get customers. For example, in some countries speaking at louder pitch is just a normal gesture whereas in country like Japan people usually speak at a low pitch. Thus these difference need to be taken care to build a strong relationship with the customers. The main issue of different culture in business is due to globalization of business. It is important to deal with the cultural issues in a business; this could be done by using technology (Watkins, 2010) . Cultural difference also affects the availability of an employee in an organisation due to difference in time zone. According to (Krishna, Sahay and Walsham, 2014) , culture and business are linked to each other. Style of communication, the way they interact with people with different culture completely varies from one country to other. It is very important to link the culture perceptive with the business to remove the obligations among people due to speaking habits, postures or some other factors. For resolving these issues every business undertakes various policies like equality among employees, which make sure that every employee is treated equally by ignoring their custom value. An action plan or agenda with a clear cut vision is used for business meetings to avoid conflicts (Akhtar, Lodhi Khan, 2016). Thus it can be concluded that the culture and business are linked to each other. Culture and Communication Culture and communication are two separate terms but are closely related to each other and they play an important role in gaining knowledge about the differences. Cross cultural communication is important for every company to grow globally. At ant place there exist group of people from diverse culture (RisingandGarca-carbonell,2018). Additionally communication is the only way through which a person shares their thoughts and ideas. Therefore, it is very important to understand different languages for smooth connection (Schmiedel, vom Brocke and Recker, 2015). Considering the scenario at work place if every employee is communicating in their native language in one will be able to understand the perspective of each other. Thus it is very important to create plans to avoid the conflicts; this could be done by organising training sessions that would help them to learn common language that could be understood by everyone. Literature Review According to the article it can be stated that there are different groups all following distinct cultures including different language patterns. There exists a complex relation between the culture and communication. Communication is a way by which an individual interact but varies according to the culture. For example, when a group of people meet for the first time, every individual will follow different behavioural pattern (Ivanova-Gongne, 2015). While they communicate with each other cultural characteristics acts like a hindrance as they are not aware about the customs of other person. It is difficult at initial meet but later this meet would be helpful to shape the communication by interacting through different customers. In the views of (Leach, 2016), the culture and communication are related to each other and are important aspect to deal with the challenges of multinational communication. The intercultural communication is essential not just because of globalization but due to the workforce which is growing domestically but with diverse culture. It is important in decision making power as the people from same culture have mostly same point of view (Murphy,Edward , Gordon Anderson, 2004) . On the other hand, two people belonging to different culture have different perspective that can help to extent the business in all direction (Goman,2015). Communication and culture also affect the level of context that need to be delivered while communicating. Some countries believe in delivering high context whereas some believe in just delivering explicit knowledge. In the opinion of (Ang, 2010), the culture and commination together are important to groom a person. Culture and communication are defined in many ways and these concepts are intimately linked with every human. Cculture has become a reason of creating separate communities which in turn helps in allowing intercultural communication (Gijon-nogueron, et. al, 2014) . To avoid conflicts in intercultural communication proper strategies need to be defined that helps in understanding different cultures (Stahl and Tung, 2015). Knowing about different customs will make communication easy and it also enhances an individual to adapt to new cultures and relations. Additionally it also builds a bridge between different cultures Conclusion It can be concluded from this report that it is important for people to know the way to interact with people from different culture. From the research I completely agree that cross cultural management is not limited to business or managers but it also covers the areas where there are people from different culture. It is necessary to remove the confusion regarding different culture to have an effective communication. Therefore it is important to learn about different cultures to remove the diversity at workplace. For a business where employees belong to different backgrounds training session need to be organised to remove conflicts and have a positive environment at the workplace. A healthy business culture values each member in the organization regardless of the job duties, which results in employees working together as a team which would be beneficial for companys growth. References Adler, N.J., Doktor, R. and Redding, S.G. (2010) From the Atlantic to the Pacific century: Cross-cultural management reviewed.Journal of management,12(2), pp.295-318. Akhtar, F., Lodhi, S. A., Khan, S. S. (2016). Assessing the influence of the cultural perspective on cross cultural conflict: An analysis of cultural environment.Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences,10(1), 84-103. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1833035655?accountid=30552 Ang, I. (2010) Culture and communication: Towards an ethnographic critique of media consumption in the transnational media system.European journal of communication,5(2), pp.239-260. Bird, A. and Mendenhall, M.E. (2016) From cross-cultural management to global leadership: Evolution and adaptation.Journal of World Business,51(1), pp.115-126.French, R. (2015)Cross-cultural management in work organisations. Kogan Page Publishers. Gijon-nogueron, G., Ndosi, M., Luque-suarez, A., Alcacer-pitarch, B., Munuera, P.V., Garrow, A., Redmond, A. C. (2014). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the manchester foot pain and disability index into spanish.Quality of Life Research,23(2), 571-9. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11136-013-0507-5 Goman,C.(2015).Communicating Across Cultures.Available from https://www.asme.org/engineering-topics/articles/business-communication/communicating-across-culturesAccessed on 20 April 2018. Ivanova-Gongne, M. (2015) Culture in business relationship interaction: an individual perspective.Journal of Business Industrial Marketing,30(5), pp.608-615.Karin Andreassi, J., Lawter, L., Brockerhoff, M. and J. Rutigliano, P. (2014) Cultural impact of human resource practices on job satisfaction: A global study across 48 countries.Cross cultural management,21(1), pp.55-77.Krishna, S., Sahay, S. and Walsham, G. (2014) Managing cross-cultural issues in global software outsourcing.Communications of the ACM,47(4), pp.62-66.Leach, E. (2016)Culture and Communication: the logic by which symbols are connected. An introduction to the use of structuralist analysis in social anthropology. Cambridge University Press. Murphy,Edward F.,,Jr, Gordon, J. D., Anderson, T. L. (2004). Cross-cultural, cross-cultural age and cross-cultural generational differences in values between the united states and japan.Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship,9(1), 21-48. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/203906732?accountid=30552 Pratt, A. K. (2004). Cross-cultural management, volume 1: The theory of culture / cross-cultural management, volume 2: Managing cultural differences.Personnel Psychology,57(3), 795-798. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/220135878?accountid=30552 Rising,B.andGarca-carbonell,A.(2018).CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION.Available from https://www.upv.es/diaal/publicaciones/rising1.pdfAccessed on 20 April 2018. Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J. and Recker, J. (2015) Culture in business process management: how cultural values determine BPM success. InHandbook on Business Process Management 2(pp. 649-663). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Stahl, G.K. and Tung, R.L. (2015) Towards a more balanced treatment of culture in international business studies: The need for positive cross-cultural scholarship.Journal of International Business Studies,46(4), pp.391-414.Thomas, D.C. and Peterson, M.F ( 2017)Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts. Sage Publications. Watkins, L. (2010). The cross-cultural appropriateness of survey-based value(s) research.International Marketing Review,27(6), 694-716. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/0265133101108829

Monday, December 2, 2019

NAJHL Hockey League Essays - Springfield, Massachusetts, Springfield

NAJHL Hockey League The Springfield Statesmen Hockey Organization will play in the North American Junior Hockey League (NAJHL). The NAJHL is a Division A junior hockey league, which is the highest level of junior hockey, consisting of eight teams located in the Great Lakes Region of the United States. The league is comprised predominantly of players 16 -20 years old. Each team in the league plays a twenty- game schedule. In addition, league members play in a mid-season all-star game and in a league tournament that culminates the season by declaring a league champion. The team will play its home games in the Ice Palace, leased from the City of Springfield. The Ice Palace has a maximum capacity of 3,000 people. It includes four locker rooms, eight restroom facilities, an arcade room, an athletic training facility, a weight room, and a large room available for private functions. Description of the Community The City of Springfield, which hosts the team, has a population of 110,000; plus an additional 559,000 within a 60-mile radius. The largest age group for both men and women is 35-44. The city's government is a municipality with a mayor and 10 aldermen that represent an area of the city. Springfield is the state capital of Illinois and therefore houses many of the state's agencies. Its economic base depends upon state and federal agencies, three major hospitals, three colleges, and two state universities (University of Illinois at Springfield and Southern Illinois University School of Medicine). The cost of living in Springfield has an index of 97.4; the national average is an index of 100. Thirty-five percent of the households in Springfield earn between $25,000 and $49,000. The three main industries providing employment are the public sector, services, and retail trade. Springfield has an unemployment rate of 5.4%. Thirty-three percent of Springfieldians have a high school diploma and fourteen percent have a bachelor's degree. Springfield has 36 public schools and 29 non-public schools employing over 2,600 teachers. The YMCA, YWCA, Boys and Girls Club of America, and the Springfield Rotary Club offer social service to the community. Springfield offers 6 museums (including the Illinois State Museum), two zoos, a minor league baseball team, and numerous state and national historic sites. Parks offered include seven parks in the Springfield Park District, a wildlife sanctuary, botanical gardens, and Lincoln's New Salem State Park. The Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Springfield Chamber Orchestra, Springfield Muni Opera, and Springfield Theatre Center house the city's performing arts. Natural resources of the area include Lake Springfield and the Sangamon River. Numerous highways and Interstates 55 and 72 allow for travel in and out of the city. Capital Airport provides air service to the community with service provided by American Eagle, Great Lakes, United Express, and Trans World Express. Five trunkline railroads serve Sangamon County and Amtrak provides passenger service. Intra-city bus service is available via the Springfield Mass Transit District, and Greyhound provides interstate bus service (Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce, 1999). Target Population The athletic services provided by the Springfield Statesmen Hockey Organization (SSHO) serves primarily 16-20 year old hockey players seeking an opportunity to eventually play for a major college or professional hockey team. Players will be recruited and drafted from national and international midget (a younger group of players) leagues, with players coming from as far away as Europe and Russia to play. Due to the expenses to play the sport most players come from upper-middle and upper class families. The entertainment services provided by the team serves an audience of all ages. Working class families provide the largest audience base. Special seating will be provided for families as well as group ticket pricing. A private room is available for larger parties. The facility is handicapped accessible, and smoking is prohibited in the arena. Financing The SSHO is financed primarily by player fees (players must pay $5,000 each to play in the league), ticket sales, and advertising sales. Additional funding will come from concession sales, team merchandise sales, booster club fundraisers, and team fundraisers (the Summer Golf Outing with the team and a Silent Auction of team memorabilia). Legal Basis for Service The SSHO is a for-profit corporation, incorporated in the State of Illinois and registered with the Federal Government as a for-profit corporation. Annually, the major shareholders for the team file taxes with the Illinois Department of Revenue and the Internal Revenue Service. PURPOSE STATEMENT SPRINGFIELD STATESMEN HOCKEY ORGANIZATION The primary purpose of the SSHO is to enhance the development of its players through top-quality coaching, extensive practice time, and a rigorous game schedule. The Organization is committed

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Counting and Accounting

Counting and Accounting Counting and Accounting Counting and Accounting By Mark Nichol This post lists and describes words deriving from the Latin verb computare, meaning â€Å"sum up,† that, unlike computer and the like, do not closely follow the original spelling. Count derives its diversion from the spelling of computare from its journey to English through Old French, which spelled the verb conter. To count is to add up (â€Å"Count the money†), consider (â€Å"Count yourself lucky you didn’t get hurt†), or record (â€Å"Count me in†). It also means â€Å"depend on,† â€Å"deserve to be considered,† or â€Å"have significance.† A count is a sum, while someone who adds numbers, or a coinlike object used to keep track of numbers, is a counter. (â€Å"Bean counter,† from the notion of using beans for this purpose, is a slightly derogatory term for someone who monitors finances.) That word also described a table at which a moneylender did business and, by extension, came to refer to any similar raised structure in a place of business and, later, in any building, including a house. (Countertop refers to the surface of the counter itself.) Counting is the act of adding up numbers or of marking a sequence of numerals from smaller to larger; however, as a verb, the word pertains to relying on someone or something, as in â€Å"I was counting on you to be there.† The largely obsolete term countinghouse refers to a place used for doing and keeping track of business. â€Å"Counting frame† and â€Å"counting rail† are synonyms for abacus, describing a device using beads strung on wires as an analog calculator. A counting glass, meanwhile, is a magnifying glass used to count threads per inch in fabrics. Count also, in a legal sense, came to pertain to the charges in an indictment for crimes, and in athletics, it describes the ten-second period a fallen boxer is given to resume standing (hence the expression â€Å"down for the count†) and the number of strikes and balls a baseball batter is allowed. (A full count is when the batter has used up the allotted two strikes and three balls, after which the player must hit the ball, or walks to first base on the fourth ball thrown, or is struck out.) The terms of nobility count and countess (and viscount and viscountess) are not related; they derive from the Latin term comitem, meaning â€Å"companion.† Nor is country, which stems from the Latin adjective contra, meaning â€Å"against.† This is also the source of the prefix counter-, seen in words such as counteract, counterfeit, and counterpart. Similarly, countenance is not related; it comes from the Latin verb continere, meaning â€Å"hold together.† Something that can be counted is countable, and the antonym is uncountable. These terms, in reference to words, describe plural nouns that, respectively, do or do not refer to groups of things that can be added up. (For example, cars is a countable noun; but traffic is not.) Countless means â€Å"too numerous to be counted†; unlike its synonym infinite, it has no direct antonym. A countdown is a calling out of numbers, usually from ten to zero or from three to â€Å"go,† to mark the time before something occurs, such as a spacecraft launch or the beginning of a race. A discount is a reduction in price, and to discount is to reduce in price, though the verb also refers to diminishing the significance of a statement. A miscount is an erroneous calculation, and a recount is a calculation that is repeated to confirm that the original calculation is correct; recount also means â€Å"describe an occurrence.† To account is to add up, and an account is an adding up or a description of an incident. Formally, the word describes a record or a statement, or an arrangement with an advertising, banking, or credit business (or an organization that provides internet or email access) or the client or customer with whom a company has such an arrangement. Account also refers to value or esteem, as in â€Å"That’s not of any account to me† (also seen in the informal term â€Å"no-account,† referring to a worthless person), to advantage, as in â€Å"She used her skills to good account,† and to consideration, as in â€Å"I’ll have to take that into account†; it also applies to keeping track of something. The verb account means â€Å"analyze† or â€Å"consider† or refers to justifying, being a significant factor, or causing something. Accounting is the practice or profession of monitoring finances, and one who does so as a career is an accountant; accountability has the more general definition of â€Å"the quality of being able to answer for one’s responsibilities†; the adjective is accountable. The antonym of that word, unaccountable, has two senses- not only â€Å"unresponsible† but also â€Å"inexplicable† or â€Å"strange.† A perhaps unexpected member of the computare family is raconteur, adopted from the same French word and meaning â€Å"teller of anecdotes.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid"Wracking" or "Racking" Your Brain?Plurals of Proper Names

Saturday, November 23, 2019

6 Life Tips For Bloggers To Boost Their Personal Productivity

6 Life Tips For Bloggers To Boost Their Personal Productivity According to  s Better Blogger survey, their audiences biggest challenges are: 22% say it’s finding time to create content. 20% say it’s planning content. 16% say it’s creating really good content. 11% say it’s creating consistent content. 6% say it’s meeting blogging goals. 6% say it’s proving blogging success. 4% say it’s using new content formats. 4% say it’s relying on team members to get things done. It is interesting to note here that 7  out of the above  8 primary  challenges are things that can be achieved if consistently high personal productivity is introduced in the mix. Now I know its difficult to be productive all the time. Its not a switch that can wishfully be toggled on or off. As a blogger myself, these are problems that even I face and know how annoying they can get when they regularly stop me from achieving my goals. But I cant afford to give up and neither can you. Fortunately, science and professional experience over the year has done us a solid by coming up with proven productivity tips that can help any person become more efficient and consistent at their work. All it requires is some self control and discipline. With that in mind, here is a countdown to six  of the best life tips that will boost your personal productivity (oh, and Ive included some bonus life tips with each point so check them out, too)! 6 Life Tips That Will Help Every #Blogger Boost Their Personal #Productivity via @SujanDeswal6. Drop That Smartphone, Now It's interesting to know that director Christopher Nolan, who has helmed movies like Inception, Interstellar, and the Dark Knight Trilogy, does not own a smartphone because he feels that it distracts him. And research agrees with him. The smartphone stress emanates from the need to constantly check your phone for any notifications or messages that people might send you. The reason for such behavior is a social phenomena called the fear of missing out (FOMO). We fear that we might lose out on so many important social happenings and events and the company of friends around us. Since a smartphone  is the quickest way to get access to such information, we spend time obsessively checking every â€Å"bleep† or â€Å"tin tin†,  with  social media fueling the angst even more. It takes your mind 64 seconds to return to work after distractions. #bloggingProfessor Larry Rosen, from California State University, talks about a small experiment  he conducted  on this obsessiveness. He asked 100 of his students to install a custom app which would check how many times they unlocked their phones and the usage statistics, during their final exam week. What he found was  quite astonishing. Students unlocked the phone, on an average, 60 times a day for a total of 200 minutes. Which roughly translates to 3.3 minutes usage for three times an hour every day. Just enough time to check their social media (this, when they should be studying for the final exam). In fact, after checking an email, it takes your mind 64 seconds to get back to whatever it is you were doing earlier. Now since we’re all different, I’m not going to share generic pointers to help you not check your phone constantly. Instead I’ll share tactics that have worked for me and it would be swell if you shared some of yours in the comments, too. Here they are: I've uninstalled all social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. I now only have WhatsApp (with all notification sounds and popups disabled). I've made it a rule to never use my phone while driving. Luckily, in the last four months, I’ve just received two calls that actually deserved my immediate attention. When I’m working, I keep my phone on vibration mode (I guess we all do). I go on ‘no smartphone check’ marathons where I don’t check my phone for an hour, three to four times a day (this has helped me the most). I don’t keep my phone in my hands or at the desk. It’s always where I can't see it, which is mostly my pocket or my backpack. Takeaway: Your smartphones are making you more stressed and hence, more incompetent at your job. Practice rigorous discipline to beat this addiction. Bonus life tip:  Play more video games because they improve reflexes, reasoning, problem solving, memory, multi-tasking, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and a lot more. 5. Save Time By Automating Routine Tasks Tim Ferris, author of the highly successful blog fourhourworkweek.com  deems automation as one of the pillars of his ground-breaking book The 4-Hour WorkWeek. In it, he describes how his preferred  automation function is fulfilled by outsourcing. He outsources all non-work tasks to his virtual assistants who then get them done while Tim can concentrate on major work-related tasks. Automate or outsource repetitive tasks to improve your #PersonalProductivity.To add to the above- Randall Munroe, mathematician and creator of the webcomic XKCD- drew a cartoon which details how much time would you save if you learned how to automate routine work: So to lend some perspective from a blogger's point of view, find tools and processes that  enable automatic  completion of repetitive tasks so that you can get the time to concentrate on your actual work objectives: Send bulk emails with  GetResponse. Schedule content, blog posts, and social media  with . Automatically share updates and blogs with Buffer  and . Come up with ideas and topics in the beginning of every month with HubSpot Topic Generator  (use this along with 's Headline Analyzer to review and create better  headlines). Use Keyboard shortcuts. Brainscape, a  Web and Mobile  study platform, did an interesting calculation and found that a person  can save almost 8 complete days in an year if they didn't  have to switch one hand between a keyboard and a mouse. Create Google Alerts around topics that you care about  so that you're automatically notified about any new updates related to them. Personally, I  use Google Alerts to keep track of places where I've just been mentioned. I can then immediately head over to that community/comment/post and engage with the audience. Like above, there are hundreds of tools that you can use to automate boring grunt work. Not only will this save time, it will help you stay productive by keeping your mind free of the clutter. In fact, you can even save up to 10+ hours a week if such menial tasks were off your hands. Takeaway: Wherever possible, save time by using applications to automate repetitive tasks. Bonus Life Tip: Listening to music can make boring tasks enjoyable and increase on-task concentration. 4. Visualizing Success Is Actually Counterproductive We’ve all done it because we borrow some of that future "after completion of task satisfaction", for right now. This positive feeling in turn motivates us more to actually get the job done. However, science says otherwise. In their study â€Å"The motivating function of thinking about the future: Expectations versus fantasies†, researchers Oettingen and Mayer ran a group of tests around four scenarios to examine the effects of fantasizing a positive outcome on participants. They write: As positive expectations reflect past successes, they signal that investment in the future will pay off. Positive fantasies, to the contrary, lead people to mentally enjoy the desired future in the here and now, and thus curb investment and future success. This behavior stems psychologically from self-efficacy which refers to your  trust in yourself  capability to reach your  goal. So what's happening? Basically once you’ve visualized that next blog post or that next profitable venture, your mind experiences some of that satisfaction and then tells your body to cool down. Your mental state becomes lethargic (of the goal having been achieved) as opposed to vigilant (of the goal has yet to be achieved). In fact, sharing your goals with your friends makes it even  likelier that you’re going to give up- a  research study involving college students found that the participants’ commitment to complete goals wavered once they publicly shared it with their colleagues.   This happens because sharing goals triggers a â€Å"premature sense of of completeness†. Do you share your personal #blogging goals? Research says it's time to stop.'So now onwards the name of the game is to just â€Å"zip it†: Takeaway: Keep your goals to yourself. Expect a positive outcome but don’t visualize or fantasize about it. Actually make it happen. Bonus life tip: Eye strain? Flex every muscle in your face and then hold. Relax. Repeat for a few more minutes. This muscle relaxation technique is called ‘Tense and Release’. 3.  Don’t Stress Over 'Originality' The one problem that writers face regularly is how to come up with original hard hitting ideas and topics that will excite or astonish their users. Those who effortlessly get original ideas regularly are considered to be lucky or having a gift, but this could not be further than the truth. Bloggers who get new ideas don’t just get them because they’re lucky but because they are experienced. Ideas and news have surrounded us left and right, and these bloggers  just know how to connect different dots to make a completely new idea. Remember- nothing is original. In his critically acclaimed book ‘Steal Like An Artist’, author Austin Kleon opines that: What a good artist understands is that nothing comes from nowhere. All creative work builds on what came before. Nothing is completely original. In fact, Josh shared the following illustration to explain simply good theft versus bad theft: So if you’re not supposed to force yourself to be original all the time, then how do you come up with original ideas in the long run that hook readers to your content and provide new valuable insights in your niche? The answer is, you don’t. Originality is not a result of finding ideas  but connecting dots. Finding ideas stems from your knowledge of the field or subject that you write about. It is a result of theoretical learning but not practical application. Nothing is original. But you can  connect the dots with your own perspective. #bloggingConnecting dots, on the other hand, comes from experience in the field and seeing trends and things happen firsthand. The more you read and experience things, the greater you develop your ability to connect different things and build a new idea out of them (e.g. my comprehensive post on why you  need eye-tracking testing for your website). The core idea might not be original per se,* but how you present it is what makes it original. Blogger extraordinaire Maria Popova of BrainPickings.org sums it up best in her quote: The idea that in order for us to truly create and contribute to the world, we have to be able to connect countless dots, to cross-pollinate ideas from a wealth of disciplines, to combine and recombine these pieces and build new castles. Takeaway: Read more and read wide. The more you read, talk to new people or experience new things, the better you’ll become at connecting pieces of information together to spawn an original idea. Bonus Life Tip: You can remember lists of things more easily if you create a story or mental palace around them in your environment. 2. Stop Overanalyzing And Commit To A Decision It’s no secret that in any environment that you reside in, there is an information overload. Starting with unrestricted access to the Internet to  the number of same fruit juices, but  different brand options, at the local grocery mart. So many options and decisions eventually immobilize the brain’s capability to take the effort to stick to a single decision as a result of analysis paralysis. Now as a blogger, I can totally relate to this when you’re stuck between deciding which task to be given more importance. Should I finish that blog post due tomorrow evening? Should I send this week's email newsletter first? Should I set up and A/B test on the new landing page?  The questions are countless, and not to mention that I haven’t yet gotten to the domestic and personal decisions that you have to make which, arguably, might affect your life more seriously. To beat this conundrum, you have to practice to think less and do more. In a recent study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, researchers found that fast learners don’t overthink. And why does this occur? Lead author of the study Danielle Bassett, replies: Sometimes your brain can actually get in the way when the information is actually already in your motor memory. If you stop thinking so hard, then you actually perform better. This is also the reason why children have a higher and faster learning rate because they don't possess the high level cognitive process that adults have. Which means that a child is incapable to overthink and is instead concentrating on quick information intake and its dissemination. Think less and do more. Analysis paralysis is stopping you from reaching your goals. #productivityIn an interview over at Barking Up The Wrong Tree, James Waters, ex Deputy Director of Scheduling at the White House and former NAVY Seal platoon commander reminisces: Wherever possible avoid paralysis by analysis. I think analysis and data are super important. No matter what organization you’re working in you’ve got to get things right and know the data that backs it up. But too many organizations get paralyzed because they analyze for too long and they haven’t developed the instincts to make decisions. They end up postponing things in favor of more and more analysis. That’s frustrating for everyone in the organization. Being able to make decisions when you know you have imperfect data is so critical. But how do you use this knowledge to commit to decisions? Further into his  post, author Eric Barker contacted Duke professor Dan Ariely, writer of Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, to ask for his solution on taking critical decisions instantly. Dan advised that in such situations, the best thing is to look at the decision from an â€Å"outsider’s perspective†, in other words, â€Å"What would you do if you made the recommendation for another person?† This works because you give a recommendation dispassionately, minus your current emotional state. The decision in such a case is almost always a better one because we’re taking it from a distance. So the next time you find yourself taking more than a minute to decide which is a better header image for your new post, just take the plunge and move on to the next thing. Takeaway: Do not waste valuable working memory over analyzing decisions or options. Commit to a decision and then later on optimize, if the need arises. Bonus Life Tip: If you don’t overthink about the future, you will get better at everything. 1. Just Smile (To Yourself) Smile to yourself or even to others. I’m not saying you go out of your way to smile at everyone because people, on an average, can easily spot a fake smile. I’m not asking you to smile for or at someone. Think of it on the lines of a holistic approach. Smile generally when you’re listening to a song, or writing, or even while taking a bath. Radio and television writer Andy Rooney  put it eloquently when he said: If you smile when you are alone, then you really mean it. Speaking from personal experience, smiling is the single most effective and powerful tool in my mental inventory to boost my personal  productivity. Smiling  increases  confidence level and helps generate and maintain positive emotions. These positive emotions then have a trickle down effect on your work given that you’ll become more positive about reaching your goals and not stress so much even when things don’t go your way. Research has also shown that smiling can release endorphins (natural pain reliever) and even serotonin (natural antidepressant). Smiling is scientifically proven to increase your #PersonalProductivity. Here's how.It is interesting to note that doctors have proven and recommend that you should strive for a Duchenne smile rather than a fake â€Å"Say Cheese† smile. The former is controlled by the limbic system (emotional center of the brain, hence the smile is triggered by a genuine emotion) and the latter is controlled by the motor cortex (the smile is asymmetrical and fake). But sometimes, if the need arises, even faking a smile can lead to a better mood, lower your heart rate and facilitate faster cardiovascular stress recovery. Even Will Ferrell nailed it as an adorable elf with his viral quote: But I have trouble forcing a real smile! Well luckily, Marcia Purse from About Health, put together an amazing list just to help you smile. It involves: Jump on the bed Make faces at yourself in the mirror Bake cookies Dance Find a playground and swing on the swingset (I find this one wonderful) Look at your baby pictures Hug someone you love Take a walk in the sun- or the rain Watch cartoons you loved as a kid Imitate a celebrity- with exaggeration Visit a pet store Sing a happy song Blow bubbles and watch them (works for me every time) Watch children playing and laughing Eat a bit of your favorite junk food- slowly, savoring it Takeaway: Smiling is the single most powerful exercise you can do anywhere, anytime, and it will positively affect your mental and biophysical functions and increase your personal productivity. Bonus Life Tip: Exercise. It can uplift your mood for up to 12 hours afterwards. Finally, wrapping up with a tl;dr recap Drop  that smartphone. Now. Save time  by automating routine tasks. Visualizing  success is actually counterproductive. Don’t stress over 'originality'. Stop overanalyzing and commit to a  decision. Just smile (to yourself).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss Love and Passion in relation to either Contemporary Art Assignment

Discuss Love and Passion in relation to either Contemporary Art - Assignment Example The essay "Discuss Love and Passion in relation to either Contemporary Art" explores the Contemporary Art and its connection with Love and Passion. Passion is best described as the rendezvous of the body and the soul. The place where the body’s activity is amalgamated with the soul’s passivity all in intertwine and imposing upon each other. The different make-up of the body allows for the disposition of the passion that exists and gives necessary motion into action. Passion diffuses the spirits which ultimately leads to the realization of passion. When this object of passion becomes the pivotal point then it charges for the union of the senses. Foucault relates on how passion can lead to madness as it at certain degrees transcend beyond a simple cause but through its dominance becomes the foundation of its possibility. These ‘diseases,’ like madness, can then be deemed as an illness of both the soul and the corporeal. In the moralist tradition, madness is d efined in correlation to consternated passion. This chase for the gratification of passions can lead to transient lunacy. Previous thoughts directly associated madness with the notion of passion and desire and its fulfillment. If this is true, then it must mean that when love leads to insanity then that is the ultimate consummation of this fusion gone awry. This manifestation of lurid emotions can often be seen in many artists’ works. The fury and passion of relentless and point blank overbearing love is a subject that is not too uncommon.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

VLAN in todays enviroment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

VLAN in todays enviroment - Essay Example But when studied further both LANs and VLANs it serves more than interconnection: personal computer networks to backend networks or even storage area networks. And in most cases, the purpose of a LAN is a combination of many (Stallings, 2007). The common LAN configuration is one composed personal computers. This type is almost present in all organizations no matter the size is. The main reason for this may be because of lower cost and simpler topology. For smaller organizations, this type of network is perfect since it serves its purpose of connectivity without compromising budget and ease of use and maintenance. Another purpose of the network is for backend networks. Now this is more complex and is more commonly seen in bigger organizations. Backend networks serves as a connection between mainframes, super computers and mass storage devices. This implies that with a limited space and less equipment, the network is able to provide fast and reliable data transfer. This is essential for VLANs for companies that provide data services. The same applies to Storage area networks. With these functions, it is not surprising that the topology of the network will also grow more complex. If it were a simple LAN, there shouldn't be a problem. But since a VLAN involves more strategic planning, a lot more effort should be made. Although the physical location of the entities connected is not considered in the planning, how they are connected to each other can be pain staking. The interoperability of these entities can also cause errors. It is necessary that they operate on the same protocol. Existing hardware may not operate with newer ones or equipment from different manufacturers may clash. Based on the above disadvantages, it can be said that managing such network is a lot difficult than a simple LAN. Except for the geographical location, the hardware used for VLANs are not that different from a LAN, although there are routers and switches designed specifically for VLANs. Cisco calls these switches Catalyst. There are also route switch modules for this purpose. Some of the switches have built-in support in software and hardware to do inter-VLAN routing. With inter-VLAN routing, no external device, modules, or daughter cards are required (Cisco). Switches are more commonly used because they are simpler compared to that of a router which functions more like a connection to the internet or a WAN (Tyson, 2009). Security is improved by using switches with built in layer 2 protections such as hardware firewalls. This is then supported by it software counterpart. In the case of connecting several VLANs to each other, routers and bridges can be used. Network switches operate at the layer two or the Data Link Layer of the OSI model. The layer two is the one responsible to provide the means to transfer data between network entities. This makes it vulnerable to attacks by hackers and the like. LANs often have confidential and mission-critical data moving across (Tomasi, 2004). This is easily intercepted since it is right next to the physical layer of the network. VLANs have the advantage to making the network more secure since it segments the network into distinct broadcast groups (Long). Since the information is no longer sent to all when broadcasted, the probability of interception is reduced. In context of the protocols used for VLAN, there are several to choose

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pakistan Energy Outlook Essay Example for Free

Pakistan Energy Outlook Essay Primary energy consumption in Pakistan has grown by almost 80% over the past 15 years, from 34 million tons oil equivalent (TOEs) in 1994/95 to 61 million TOEs in 2009/10 and has supported an average GDP growth rate in the country of about 4.5% per annum. However since 2006/07 energy supply has been unable to meet the country’s demand leading to shortages. Meanwhile per capita energy consumption in Pakistan at under 0.5 TOEs/capita remains only one-third of world average. Indigenous natural gas is the largest source of energy supply in Pakistan contributing 27. 7 million TOEs (45.4%) in 2009/10, followed by oil products, mainly imports, at 21.3 million TOEs (34.9%), hydel power at 7.5 million TOEs (12.3%), coal, mainly imports, at 3.7 million TOEs (6.1%) and nuclear power at 0.8 million TOEs (1.3%). Consumption of indigenous natural gas has grown rapidly in all sectors of the economy (residential, commercial, industrial, transport and power) over the past 15 years, driven by growing availability of gas and a low, government-controlled gas price as compared with alternate fuel prices. As a result, Pakistan has developed a vast natural gas transmission and distribution network across the country. However Pakistan’s indigenous natural gas reserves are declining and a low gas price has become a significant disincentive in attracting new gas supplies, either through increased domestic exploration activities or via imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) or regional gas pipeline imports. If current gas policies persist, Pakistan’s natural gas supply is expected to decline from 4 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) in 2010/11 to less than 1 bcfd by 2025/26. This will lead to a growing gas/energy shortfall reaching 8 bcfd (over 50 million TOEs) by 2025/26 and will depress Pakistan’s average GDP growth rate over the next 15 years. It is also unlikely that Pakistan will be able to substantially develop its other indigenous energy sources of hydel power and coal by 2025/26 under current policies, and the energy import requirements of the country may grow from the present 30% to over 75% of the energy mix by 2025/26 costing over $ 50 billion per annum in foreign exchange. The government-controlled power sector in Pakistan, one of the largest consumers of primary energy, is facing growing problems due to an unrealistic power tariff, high inefficiencies, low payment recovery and the inability of the government to manage its subsidies mechanism. This has led to a serious â€Å"circular debt† issue which is becoming a barrier for future energy sector investments. This Pakistan Energy Outlook document identifies a set of energy â€Å"Blueprints† which, if implemented, could allow the energy sector in Pakistan to thrive and grow and become the engine for the social and economic development of the country, allowing accelerated GDP growth rates. As with all reform processes, the â€Å"Blueprints† will require significant political will to execute and it is hoped that the present and succeeding governments in Pakistan will rise to the occasion.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Reflexivity: Crossing That Line Essay -- Ethnography Anthropology Essa

Reflexivity: Crossing That Line Traditionally, ethnographic works had always been about objective studies of the â€Å"other.† The discipline attempts to use non-biased methods to research of our subjects to qualify anthropology into the category of science. However, an increasing number of anthropologists begin to question the existence of objectivity in fieldwork. More recently, some anthropologists advocate the incorporation of the self, or the use of reflexivity, in the research to acknowledge our biases; at the same time, enhance the quality of our ethnographies. Others further assert that reflexivity is the only way to complete ethnographies. These propositions prompted concerns and provoked intense criticisms among scholars from different areas of study. One argument maintains that while moderate use of reflexivity is necessary in ethnographic research as exemplified by Dorinne Kondo and Renato Rosaldo, it is problematic when it is taken too far as did Ruth Behar. Before use of reflexivity can be analyzed, it is important to discuss what reflexivity is. As its use is controversial, to define the term is complex task. One way to describe it is to characterize it as a piece of work involving the self and some sort of reflection. Another mean to understand the concept is to imagine a mirror; and reflexivity is a description of the images reflected in the mirror, which includes â€Å"others† as well as the â€Å"self.† Interestingly, even though we have yet to define the idea, many uses and styles of reflexivity exist. Or perhaps, the difficulty to produce a working definition stems from its wide range of uses. For example, Kamala Visweswaran uses reflexivity to evaluate the discipline in which she belongs – namely feminis... ...r, anthropology is not a coherent discipline and should be divided to accomendate these difference styles of writing ethnography. Nonetheless, all these questions and confusions points out one thing, that subjectivity is inevitable. Otherwise, we would agree on all these issues. But, it is these issues that cause trouble that make the discipline attractive, exciting, and worthwhile. Reference: [1] Behar, Ruth. 1996. Anthropology that breaks your heart. In The Vulnerable Observer: Antrhopology that Breaks Your Heart, pp. 161 –177. Boston: Beacon Press. [2] Kondo, Dorinne K. 1986. Dissolution and reconstitution of self: implications for anthropological epistemology. In cultural Anthropology 1(1): 74-88. [3] Rosaldo, Renato. 1993. Grief and a headhunter’s rage. IN Culture and Ttruth: TheRremaking of Social Analysis, pp. 161- 177. Boston: Beacon Press.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How Stalin rose to the top of the USSR Essay

Following the death of Lenin on 22nd January 1924, Stalin, ‘man of steel’, rose to the top of the USSR through a combination of luck and by using his political skills. Therefore by Stalin’s fiftieth birthday he had now achieved for himself complete control over the USSR. Stalin’s rise to power can be put down to his ruthlessness; he would not have gained power had it not been for his brutal nature, however there were many factors that contributed to Stalin’s success. Stalin had the characteristics of a dictator from childhood, in the sense that he was unable to cope with defeat or admit that he was wrong. This definitely assisted him in his quest to become ruler of the USSR. Stalin first became noticed in 1905 after he first joined the communists and helped to raise funds by robbing banks and looting trains. During the civil war Stalin stayed loyal and during this time he forcibly seized grain from farmers in the South in order to feed the workers in the North. As a reward for this Lenin then made him responsible for the Red Army in the south during the Civil War. This brought him into conflict with Trotsky. This meant that already Stalin had made a name for himself and had been recognised by Lenin as someone who was reliable and who had impressive dictatorship skills, this is why Lenin gave him a job as Commander in Chief during the civil war. Later on in 1922 Stalin then achieved promotion to General Secretary, this was a fairly boring job, however it was still within the politburo and it keep Stalin busy every day. As this was not really a position of authority using his manipulative skills Stalin makes the job have a greater political influence, which thus wins himself a good level of authority. Stalin wanted to do all of the poor organisations jobs that everyone else thought were boring, this was the first manipulative move that Stalin took and by having small jobs and by making them sound better Stalin was now becoming more noticed by the people and he was getting some respect, which he eventually used to help him rise to power. If Stalin was to be leader of the USSR then this meant that Lenin would have to be out the way. Lenin suffered several strokes in 1922 and 1923 that left him paralysed and eventually in 1924 he died. If Stalin was to become leader he had to overcome his main opposition for power, which was Trotsky. The funeral of Lenin was organised by Stalin and he also lead the mourning. This was to create an image to the public that Stalin was close to the deceased however in hindsight we know that he only did this to boost his chance of becoming the next leader. Trotsky was nowhere to be seen at Lenin’s funeral and had nothing to do with the preparations and many people saw this move by Trotsky as a sign of disrespect and the public now saw Stalin as the better of the two. However Stalin was thought to have told Trotsky the wrong date for the funeral and Trotsky said that he was away at his holiday home recovering from an illness. Whether this was true or not either way it was a strange move by Trotsky not to turn up, as that now put Stalin in the driving seat for the power of the USSR. Before Lenin died, he wrote a letter to the Party Congress that outlined his ideas for the future. In this letter he also gave his opinions on the members of the Politburo including Stalin and Trotsky, the two main contenders for the leadership of the USSR. After Lenin had died, the letter became know as Lenin’s Testament. Had it been made public at the time it had the potential to destroy Stalin’s claim to power as this document showed exactly what Lenin thought of Stalin. At the time Lenin obviously felt that Trotsky was the most suitable successor for the reign as in his testament Lenin described Trotsky as ‘a man with outstanding ability’ and he also thought Trotsky was ‘perhaps the most capable man in the Central Committee’. Lenin saw Stalin as ‘too rude’ and he wanted Stalin to ‘be removed from his post as General Secretary’. Meanwhile Stalin must have been shaken when he heard about what Lenin had to say about him. What Lenin thought of these two candidates was crucial, as the public would not want an enemy of Lenin’s to be the next leader. This is why Stalin appeared to be very close to Lenin and stand by him. However in spite of these comments the Testament was not made public. The Leftists – Zinoviev and Kanenev protested that it was out of date and so a visibly disturbed Stalin was rescued and the truth did not reach the Soviet people. Because the public did not know what Lenin really thought of Stalin, they still saw Stalin as a commendable replacement to Lenin. What Zinoviev and Kanenev did was an important part of Stalin’s pursuit to get to power because had the testament been released, the public would have disliked Stalin as they worshiped Lenin. The two main contenders for the leadership of the USSR, Stalin and Trotsky were now involved in a feud with each other. This help Stalin claim power in the way that now the public were on his side and Trotsky now frightened many people in the USSR. Trotsky had the idea of spreading socialism across the world; he argued that the future security of the USSR lay in trying to spread permanent revolution across the world until the whole globe was Communist. Many people in the USSR believed that Trotsky would involve them in future wars and conflicts. Stalin emerged as Lenin’s successor because of his policies, these were met with greater approval than Trotsky’s ideas, as Stalin argued that in future, the Party should try to establish Socialism in One Country rather than Trotsky’s idea which was to try to spread revolution worldwide, this was very popular. Socialism in one country was the idea that communism shouldn’t be spread across the world but that the politburo should concentrate on just having it in Russia. As the Soviet people were scared of years of war and revolution Stalin seemed to be the man who understood their feeling and did what the public wanted. In 1925, Trotsky gave up his only symbol of power when he resigned from his position as Commissar for War. He now had nothing and because the war was over, the future was looking bleaker for him. Stalin, because of this, was now the favourite to become the next controller of the USSR. With Trotsky now out of the way, Stalin was now on course to take the leadership of the USSR, he uses his relationship and his positions of authority with other members of the Politburo extremely well. Stalin successfully played both the leftists and the rightist in the Politburo; he did this by using his friends who owed him favours. In 1927 Stalin first joined the rightists and attacked the left removing all the important members from the office, then a year later he joined the leftists and attacked the right, forcing out his opponents and bringing in some of his own allies who would support him. By doing this Stalin was now the most senior member of the Politburo. This was a huge step towards his aim and put him in pole position to become the next dictator. In conclusion I believe that Stalin achieved total power over the USSR through a combination of political scheming, luck, the mistakes of his opponents and the clever way in which he built up his power base. Each event that leads up to Stalin’s dictatorship was just as important as the next; he got to power through a combination of all of these. If any of the steps to his reign had been missing, there is no doubt that he would not have been in control of the USSR and been able to cause the damage he did.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

About Boosie

It was notorious for drugs and violence, a place feared by the general population. Boosie grew up with his mom and dad who nicknamed him after the '70s funk legend, Bootsy Collins. Although being raised by both of his parents was a rarity in his neighborhood, Boosie still struggled with dysfunction inside and outside of his home. Around the time he was starting high school, Boosie decided to come clean on wax about some of the trouble he was getting into, â€Å"l started rapping on tracks whenI was like 14 or 15, I was rapping before that but I Just didn't let anybody know 'cause I thought I wasn't good enough. † At fourteen years old, Boosie moved in to live with his grandmother after his father was murdered in drug-related activity. [2] Boosie became very involved in basketball to stay off the streets while attending high school and was actually expected to move on to college level basketball, but his involvement with drugs got him expelled from school. After being expelled from school, Boosie became serious about his music.Consequently, Boosie's residency in Baton Rouge, hich lacked a music scene, disadvantaged him from creating a diverse set of contacts and subsequently a lack of exposure. A mutual friend of Boosie and local rapper, C-Loc, introduced the two and before Boosie knew it, he was recording his homemade raps in a professional studio. Lil Boosie Mobile Desktop Content is available under CC BY-SA 3. 0 unless otherwise noted. Terms of use Privacy Search Wikipedia Lil Boosie Birth name Torrence Hatch Born November 14, 1982 (age 31) Origin Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U. S.Genres Southern hip hop Occupations Rapper Years active 998-present Labels Trill, Asylum, Bad Azz Entertainment, WMG Associated acts C- Loc, Pimp C, Webbie, Foxx, LoLa Monroe, Trae Tha Truth, C-Murder Website BoosieJustice. com Torrence Hatch (born November 14, 1982), better known by his stage name Lil Boosie, is an American rapper from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [1] Hatch was bestow ed the nickname Boosie by his family, and he was raised in southside Baton Rouge. He is currently serving time in the Louisiana State Penitentiary (Angola); Hatch was sentenced to eight years after pleading guilty to drug charges.I was like 14 or 5, I was rapping betore that but I Just didn't let anybody know 'cause homemade raps in a professional studio. [3] 1998-2001 : Camp Life & Youngest of tha Camp Boosie became serious about his music, deciding to become a professional rapper. Lil Boosie teamed up with Baton Rouge rapper C-Loc in the late 1990s. He started off as the youngest member of the Concentration Camp at the age of only 14. Boosie Joined the Concentration Camp group in 1998, after the release of the group's second studio album Concentration Camp II: Da Halocaust. He worked with rapper C-Loc and theCamp ; made his debut on C-Loc's fifth album, It's a Gamble in 2000 under his old alias Boosie and Concentration Camp third studio album Camp Ill : Thug Brothas in 2000. Soon after, he released Youngest Of Da Camp, his debut album in 2000 on Camp Life Entertainment. The album spread like wildfire, and was widely known in Baton Rouge. At the time of this album's recording, Boosie was only 17 years old. The album production was mostly handled by Happy Perez. The album featured C-Loc, Max Minelli & Donkey and more. After the incarceration, Boosie once again turned back to the streets.Ultimately, his behavior led to him also being incarcerated. The album sold 13, 000 units. 2001-2003: Trill Entertainment & For MY Thugz At this point, Boosie felt as though he was a failure. However, fate lent Boosie a hand, and Boosie had an opportunity to Join an up-and-coming record label called Trill Entertainment which was backed by its CEO the late Pimp C of IJGK in 2001. Trill signed Boosie and assisted him in bringing his legal issues to an end. Soon after, Trill independently released his debut album For My Thugz as his new alias Lil Boosie in 2002. 1] This release we nt on to sell over 15,000 copies. As of 2013, the album has sold 90,000 copies, according to Trill Entertainment. The album features Pimp C, Young Bleed, Webbie and more. 2003-2005: Ghetto Stories, Gangsta Muzik & Warner Bros. Later in the summer of 2003, Pimp C teamed up Booste to co-star with one of his label-mates, Webbie, on the album Ghetto Stories. The album also went on to sell well over 15,000 copies. As of 2013, the album has sold 120,000 units. In 2004, Lil ie & Webbie released T II Azz Mixtape & Trill Azz Mixes II. They treestyled over the hottest songs of 2004.Boosie paired up again with Webbie, to release their econd compilation album, Gangsta Musik. This is what really gained him popularity. According to Trill, the album sold 320,000 copies. Boosie's talent was now undeniable, and he caught the eye of some Universal Music Group representatives. In 2004 Lil Boosie ; South Coast Coalition released Both Sides of the Track. January 1, 2005 Boosie teamed up with Lava House Records to release United We Stand, Divided We Fall. He also released Street Code with Pat Lowrenzo. In 2005, Lil Boosie release Bad Ass (Advance) to promote Bad Azz. In late January 2005, Boosie signed a deal withWarner Bros. Records. [2] 2006-2008: Bad Azz ; Survival of the Fittest In early 2006 Trill release Bad Ass Mixtape Vol. l as a follow up to (Bad Ass Advance). In 2006, Boosie's major label debut album Bad Azz was released. [1] It contained the single â€Å"Zoom† featuring Yung Joc. A Bad Azz DVD followed where the rapper explained the death of his father due to drugs and his fght against diabetes. Late in the year, the Streetz Iz Mine mixtape appeared in cooperation with DJ Drama. In 2007 Lil Boosie release Bad Azz Mixtapes Vol. 2. In 2007, Boosie & Webbie was on the remix f â€Å"Wipe Me Down† by rapper Foxx.It was put on the Trill Entertainment compilation album Survival of the Fittest, which was released in 2007. In 2008 Boosie release Da Beginning Mixtape . At Lil Boosie 4th Of July Bash party he past out his new mixtape 4th Of July Bash. December 2008 Lil Boosie release Lil Boosie Presents: Da Click which feature Da Click consist of Hatch Boy, Locco, Quick & Sleek. It also popularized Lil Boosie's career as well. In 2008, Lil Boosie was featured on the single â€Å"Independent† by Webbie and was among several rappers to be featured on â€Å"Out Here Grindin† by DJ Khaled. 09: Superbad: The Return of Boosie Bad Azz ; Bad Azz Entertainment In 2009 Boosie released The Return Of Mr. Wipe Me Down as a promotion mixtape to his second major album. In 2009, Lil Boosie released the follow up to Lil Boosie Presents: Da Click called Da Click: â€Å"Street Kingz. In 2009, Lil Boosie released his second major album Superbad: The Return of Boosie Bad Azz. The first single from the album, â€Å"Better Believe It†, featured Webbie and Young Jeezy. There were promotional music videos from the album such as â€Å"I'm a Dog† & â€Å"Loose as a Goose†. Also in 2009, Lil Boosie had presented his debut label Bad Azz Entertainment.Lil Boosie released Thug Passion on his Bad Azz Entertainment label in 2009. Lil Boosie release Category 7: Bad Azz Hurricane with Hurricane Chris and Untouchable with LoLa Monroe. Lil Boosie also released The 25th Hours mixtape which on the interlude he speak on his prison term. 2010: Incarcerated In 2010 Lil Booste & C-Loc his former CEO release Unbreakable as a Compilation CD. ie nas announced while ne is still in prison on charges ot murder and conspiracy, and potentially facing the death penalty, he wants to move forward with his hip hop career. Boosie released his fourth studio album, Incarcerated, onSeptember 28 on Asylum Records. According to MTV News, the project is almost entirely produced by B. J. , although Mouse on Tha Track did some work on it as well. Webbie, Foxx and Lil Trill are among the featured guests. [4] Lil Boosie released Gone Til' December in 20 10, which is a mixtape album consisting of new music. Bad Azz Entertainment released ShouldVe Been My Beatz. Lil Boosie released 22504 with B. G.. In 2011 Quick release Hit After Hit 3 with Lil Boosie. In 2012 My Brother's Keeeper was released with Money Bagz & Quick. Also Under Investigation was released as a free ownload with Ray Vicks. 013-present: TBA In January 2013 Lil Booste spoke on his prison sentence and said, On September 13, 2013 it was reported that, Judges related to his case agreed to return Lil Boosie, his hard drives and his computers. The equipment contains a lot of music he had recorded before going to Jail, which could result in new music from him prior to his release. Jeff Weiss, who covered Boosie's trial for Rolling Stone, also reported that Boosie's attorneys believe that he will be released within the next five months. [5] Read in another language Last modified 13 hours agoEarly life Music career † â€Å"I have about 500 songs at the moment. I feel th at I'm making the best music I've ever made. The more I go through in life the better my music gets and it's been crazy the last three years. I keep my music heartfelt and stick to making real music. I wouldn't even say it's Hip Hop music. My music is ‘reality rap. ‘ Hip Hop music can make you dance and bob your head, but it can't make you cry or touch your heart like reality rap†.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Sales Encounters

My three sales encounters are as followed; Tony Grasso for Team National, John from Footaction USA, and Jose from Futuretronics. Well out of the three documented sales encounters, I will start with the best, meaning the salesperson that actually made a sale, made a buyer out of me. I was in the market for a computer, it just happened that I had been searching the market for a computer or laptop that filled my needs yet caught my eye at the same time. Something out of the realm of the ordinary computer. The salesperson’s name is Jose and he works for the futuretronics store in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is a customer service, sales rep, he sells all different kinds of electronics ranging from computers to cell phones. Yes I did buy a laptop from this salesperson. The salesperson was dressed accordingly and presented himself in a very friendly manner but not over whelming. The sales person asked for my info on what I was in the market for, my needs and wants. As I told him what I needed he brought my attention to four products. What I liked about this salesperson is that he let his product get my attention he described the pros and cons of each product and let the product appeal to me not his bragging or selling methods. I asked him a variety of questions and he was able to answer all of them in full which did impress me and made me feel comfortable about giving this guy my business. No visual aids were used except the project itself. There is really nothing I can say negative about this salesperson or his techniques he uses. I really like the method of being their for the customer but also letting your product sell itself instead of trying to sell it. In trying to sell the product that is where a lot of sales are lost because if the person is interested you will see if the product is not appealing to the customer then the chance of selling that product to the customer is very slim and most of the time ends in a bad situation, which gives ... Free Essays on Sales Encounters Free Essays on Sales Encounters My three sales encounters are as followed; Tony Grasso for Team National, John from Footaction USA, and Jose from Futuretronics. Well out of the three documented sales encounters, I will start with the best, meaning the salesperson that actually made a sale, made a buyer out of me. I was in the market for a computer, it just happened that I had been searching the market for a computer or laptop that filled my needs yet caught my eye at the same time. Something out of the realm of the ordinary computer. The salesperson’s name is Jose and he works for the futuretronics store in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is a customer service, sales rep, he sells all different kinds of electronics ranging from computers to cell phones. Yes I did buy a laptop from this salesperson. The salesperson was dressed accordingly and presented himself in a very friendly manner but not over whelming. The sales person asked for my info on what I was in the market for, my needs and wants. As I told him what I needed he brought my attention to four products. What I liked about this salesperson is that he let his product get my attention he described the pros and cons of each product and let the product appeal to me not his bragging or selling methods. I asked him a variety of questions and he was able to answer all of them in full which did impress me and made me feel comfortable about giving this guy my business. No visual aids were used except the project itself. There is really nothing I can say negative about this salesperson or his techniques he uses. I really like the method of being their for the customer but also letting your product sell itself instead of trying to sell it. In trying to sell the product that is where a lot of sales are lost because if the person is interested you will see if the product is not appealing to the customer then the chance of selling that product to the customer is very slim and most of the time ends in a bad situation, which gives ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

About the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914

About the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 The Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, was enacted on October 15, 1914, with a goal of strengthening provisions of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Enacted in 1890, the Sherman Act had been the first federal law intended to protect consumers by outlawing monopolies, cartels, and trusts. The Clayton Act sought to enhance and address weaknesses in the Sherman Act by preventing such unfair or anti-competitive business practices in their infancy. Specifically, the Clayton Act expanded the list of prohibited practices, provided a three-level enforcement process, and specified exemptions and remedial or corrective methods. Background If trust is a good thing, why does the United States have so many â€Å"antitrust† laws, like the Clayton Antitrust Act? Today, a â€Å"trust† is simply a legal arrangement in which one person, called the â€Å"trustee,† holds and manages a property for the benefit of another person or group of people. But in the late 19th century, the term â€Å"trust† was typically used to describe a combination of separate companies. The 1880s and 1890s saw a rapid increase in the number of such large manufacturing trusts, or â€Å"conglomerates,† many of which were viewed by the public as having too much power. Smaller companies argued that the large trusts or â€Å"monopolies† had an unfair competitive advantage over them. Congress soon began to hear the call for antitrust legislation. Then, as now, fair competition among businesses resulted in lower prices for consumers, better products and services, greater choice of products, and increased innovation. Brief History of Antitrust Laws Advocates of antitrust laws argued that the success of the American economy depended on the ability of small, independently owned business to compete fairly with each other. As  Senator John Sherman  of Ohio stated in 1890, â€Å"If we will not endure a king as a political power we should not endure a king over the production, transportation, and sale of any of the necessaries of life.†   Ã‚   In 1890, Congress passed the  Sherman Antitrust Act  by nearly unanimous votes in both the  House  and  Senate. The Act prohibits companies from conspiring to restrain free trade or otherwise monopolize an industry. For example, the Act bans groups of companies from participating in â€Å"price fixing,† or mutually agreeing to unfairly control prices of similar products or services. Congress designated the  U.S. Department of Justice  to enforce the Sherman Act.   In 1914, Congress enacted the  Federal Trade Commission Act  prohibiting all companies from using unfair competition methods and acts or practices designed to deceive consumers. Today the Federal Trade Commission Act is aggressively enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an independent agency of the executive branch of government. Clayton Antitrust Act Bolsters the Sherman Act Recognizing the need to clarify and strengthen the fair business safeguards provided by the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, Congress in 1914 passed an amendment to the Sherman Act called the  Clayton Antitrust Act. President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill into law on October 15, 1914. The Clayton Act addressed the growing trend during the early 1900s for large corporations to strategically dominate entire sectors of business by employing unfair practices like predatory price fixing, secret deals, and mergers intended only to eliminate competing companies. Specifics of the Clayton Act The Clayton Act addresses unfair practices not clearly prohibited by the Sherman Act, such as predatory mergers and â€Å"interlocking directorates,† arrangements in which the same person makes business decisions for several competing companies. For example, Section 7 of the Clayton Act bans companies from merging with or acquiring other companies when the effect â€Å"may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly.† In 1936, the  Robinson-Patman Act  amended the Clayton Act to prohibit anticompetitive price discrimination and allowances in dealings between merchants. Robinson-Patman was designed to protect small retail shops against unfair competition from large chain and â€Å"discount† stores by establishing minimum prices for certain retail products. The Clayton Act was again amended in 1976 by the  Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act, which requires companies planning major mergers and acquisitions to notify both the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice of their plans well in advance of the action. In addition, the Clayton Act allows private parties, including consumers, to sue companies for triple damages when they have been harmed by an action of a company that violates either the Sherman or Clayton Act and to obtain a court order prohibiting the anticompetitive practice in the future. For example, the Federal Trade Commission often secures court orders banning companies from continuing false or deceptive advertising campaigns or sales promotions. The Clayton Act and Labor Unions Emphatically stating that â€Å"the labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce,† the Clayton Act forbids corporations from preventing the organization of labor unions. The Act also prevents union actions such as strikes and compensation disputes from being in antitrust lawsuits filed against a corporation. As a result, labor unions are free to organize and negotiate wages and benefits for their members without being accused of illegal price fixing. Penalties for Violating the Antitrust Laws The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice share the authority to enforce the antitrust laws. The Federal Trade Commission can file antitrust lawsuits in either the federal courts  or in hearings held before  administrative law  judges. However, only the Department of Justice can bring charges for violations of the Sherman Act. In addition, the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act gives the state attorneys general authority to file antitrust lawsuits in either state or federal courts. Penalties for violations of the Sherman Act or the Clayton Act as amended can be severe and can include criminal and civil penalties: Violations of the Sherman Act:  Companies violating the Sherman Act can be fined up to $100 million. Individuals – typically executives of the violating corporations- can be fined up to $1 million and sent to prison for up to 10 years. Under federal law, the maximum fine may be increased to twice the amount the conspirators gained from the illegal acts or twice the money lost by the victims of the crime  if either of those amounts is over $100 million.Violations of the Clayton Act:  Corporations and individuals violating the Clayton Act can be sued by the people they harmed for three times the actual amount of the damages they suffered. For example, a consumer who spent $5,000 on a falsely advertised product or service can sue the offending businesses for up to $15,000. The same â€Å"treble damages† provision can also be applied in â€Å"class-action† lawsuits filed on the behalf of multiple victims. Damages also include attorneys fees and other court cost s. The Basic Objective of Antitrust Laws Since the enactment of the Sherman Act in 1890, the objective of the U.S. antitrust laws has remained unchanged: to ensure fair business competition in order to benefit consumers by providing incentives for businesses to operate efficiently thus allowing them to keep quality up and prices down. Antitrust Laws in Action Breakup of Standard Oil While charges of violations of the antitrust laws are file and prosecuted every day, a few examples stand out due to their scope and the legal precedents they set. One of the earliest and most famous examples is the court-ordered 1911 breakup of the giant Standard Oil Trust monopoly. By 1890, the Standard Oil Trust of Ohio controlled 88% of all oil refined and sold in the United States. Owned at the time by John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil had achieved its oil industry domination by slashing its prices while buying up many of its competitors. Doing so allowed Standard Oil to lower its production costs while increasing its profits.In 1899 the Standard Oil Trust was reorganized as the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. At the time, the â€Å"new† company owned stock in 41 other oil companies, which controlled other companies, which in turn controlled yet other companies. The conglomerate was viewed by the public – and the Department of Justice as an all-controlling monopoly, controlled by a small, elite group of directors who acted without accountability to the industry or the public.In 1909, the Department of Justice sued Standard Oil under the Sherman Act for creating and maintaining a monopoly and restricting interstate commerce. On May 15, 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the lower court’s decision declaring the Standard Oil group to be an unreasonable monopoly. The Court ordered Standard Oil broken up into 90 smaller, independent companies with different directors.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

International Relations High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Relations High School - Essay Example That the WASP should dominate, be regarded as the superior race, is a direct outcome of the fact that, to a large degree, they shaped the land, created the nation and framed its culture. Irrespective of the fact, or myth, that America is a melting pot, it is ultimately a nation created in the image of the WASP culture, religion and world view. Indeed, the capitalist system which is so distinctly American is the product of the Protestant work ethic. Democracy, which is as American as is capitalism, was born of the historic encounter between these early immigrants and the British. Added to that, the country's founding fathers, its first president and most of those which played such a seminal role in the formation of the United States of America, are WASP. The perception of superiority, therefore, is rooted in the making of America. Similarly, the American Indian's occupation of the bottom tier and the persistent perception of them as an inferior race emanates from the historical circumstances surrounding the encounter of the races. As noted in Chapter 6, not only did the American Indian emerge as defeated but was decimated, virtually purged off the land.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hazardous waste management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Hazardous waste management - Essay Example In line with this, it is common place for industries to reclaim, or recover spent solvents such as acetones from waste products. In addition, industries reclaim some metals from hazardous waste materials from industrial facilities to recover metals such as lead, which is the most reclaimed metal from industrial waste (EPA, 2013). It is essential to point out that recycling of hazardous waste does not only involve the aspect of reclaiming useful products from waste materials. However, industries also reuse the waste that they produced in their manufacturing processes. For example, industries that deal with smelting of zinc reuse the hazardous waste products they produce during the processing of zinc. In this regard, these industries return the emission control dust into the furnace that was primarily smelting the zinc (EPA, 2013). In effect, these industries reuse this waste product and ensure that the hazardous waste does not pollute the environment. On the other hand, it is vital to point out that hazardous waste products can be used directly into the land, which makes the land fertile, or incorporated into other products that make fertilizer (EPA,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Comparing elements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparing elements - Essay Example "To love him so deeply still; and yet I'm here,"-an excerpt from William Trevor’s â€Å"The Room†, were words uttered by Katherine as a vivid evidence of her will to be free from her smoldering curiosity about the notion of deceit. Her fervor-less affair with an unnamed lover satisfied her curiosity as she finally said, â€Å"So, this is what it felt like for Phair†. Her primary aims were completed, however, she resumed her sexual ventures with her lover and made it as an alibi for her to gain entrance to her lover’s room in which she found a haven that will shield her from her dynamic fears. On the contrary, the entities in â€Å"The Storm† authored by Kate Chopin seemed to take adultery as an archway to cherish freedom. Monsieur Alcee Laballiere  and his wife Clarisse decided to set apart for some time. They esteemed freedom brought about by their provisional separation in different manners. â€Å"Devoted as she was to her husband, their intima te conjugal life was something which she was more than willing to forego for a while† this quote taken from Chopin’s text refers to freedom that served as Clarisse’s respite as she is fervently yearning to have another feel of her lighthearted moments as an unmarried woman.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Role Of Vocabulary English Language Essay

The Role Of Vocabulary English Language Essay However, nowadays, the importance of vocabulary as also learning a language has become more accepted. Vocabulary is a basic component of language proficiency which provides the basis for learners performance in other skills, such as speaking, reading, listening and writing. (Nation, 2008) Therefore, acquiring vocabulary it is a fundamental process when learning an L2 because it will not only develop the writing skills, but also the remaining ones. As a consequence, learners will become competent on their level of language because it seems that the four skills will be hand in hand. Between many forms or learning vocabulary, it is the possibility of learning vocabulary incidentally. Hunt and Beglar (1998) point out that many vocabularies are learned incidentally through extensive reading and listening. For this reason, motivating learners to read and listen extensively can provide them with great opportunities to learn new vocabularies. According to Except for the first few thousand most common words, vocabulary learning predominantly occurs through extensive reading with the learner guessing the meaning of unknown words. This process is incidental learning of vocabulary for the acquisition of new words and is the by-product of the reading. Most of the papers in the special issue of incidental vocabulary learning (Wesche Paribakht, 1999) refer to incidental learning as something that is learned without specific focus of attention in a classroom context. Research on both first and second language development supports the conclusion that most vocabulary learning occurs naturally when learners try to understand new words they hear or read in context. This process is called incidental because it occurs as learners are focused on something other than word learning itself. (T. Sima) Wode is the most specific author about this topic when he provides the following operational definition: language learning as a by-product of language use by the teacher or anybody else in the classroom, without the linguistic structure itself being the focus of attention or the target of teaching maneuvers In the process of incidental vocabulary learning, word knowledge is thought to be cumulated and developed gradually through multiple exposures in various reading contexts. Extensive reading, as a form of comprehensible input, has the effect of providing learners with rich contexts ideal for vocabulary learning. During the reciprocal process of extensive reading, the acquisition of words is the result of successes in inferring word meanings from a meaningful context and through more reading experiences the developed and matured vocabulary inference ability could in turn contributes to reading level. As believed by Huckin and Coady (1999), incidental vocabulary learning can be really advantageous for learners because it is a more learner based process, in which learners select the reading materials to study according to their personal preferences. Therefore, reading will be more interesting for each person. Another advantage of this process is that it can be pedagogically efficient, since it leads two activities at the same time: vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension. Learners acquire new vocabulary, language learning, and grammatical knowledge as also develop their critical thinking when reading and comprehending the main ideas. Finally, since it is contextualized, the readers can understand the meaning and the use of the word within the context established in the text. For this reason, enrich their knowledge of the words they already know, increase lexical access speeds, build network linkages between words, and a few words will be acquired Horst, Cobb and Meara (1998) (p. 221) Although having these favorable situations in order that it is easier for students to acquire new vocabulary, Ellis proposes some factors that may affect the process when learning an L2. These factors are grouped in four and are classified in: Intrinsic word properties, Input factors, Interactional factors and Learner factors. Intrinsic word properties Some words have a higher grade of difficulty in order to be learnt from oral input; R. Ellis considered four intrinsic word properties which appear to influence acquisition: a) Pronounceability: It takes a long time to students to pronounce an L2 word; thereby their ability to produce it will take a long time also. Laufer (1997) cites a number of sources that suggest that pronounceable words are more likely to be perceived accurately, and that learners may avoid attending to phonologically problematic words. While there is a major similarity between the learners first language and the target language functions, there will be a bigger determinant of difficulty. b) Part of speech: There are some researches that suggest that learners learn nouns faster than other parts of speech, at least in the early stages. There are a few explanations for these researches. Nation (1990) suggests that the meaning of nouns can be guessed from context more easily than the meaning of verbs. Other explanation is that learners initially concentrate on nouns because they are more useful when decoding and encoding messages. Ellis (1984) says that verbs are omitted more frequently than nouns because they are not so important when receiving a message. Finally, Ellis and Beaton (1993) suggest that nouns may be easier to learn than other parts of speech because they are more imageable. c)Distinctiveness of word form: learning a word that has its own uniqueness is easier than learning a word that is similar to some other word. According to a study made by Huckin and Bloch (1993) learners allowed word shape to override contextual factors. For instance, one learner misread optimal as optional. It is interesting to note that the words causing the problem begin and end with the same letters being differentiated by letters in medial position. d) Length of word form: It is easy to believe that for learners it is better to remember monosyllabic than polysyllabic words. Meara (1984) reports that Chinese learners of L2 English were found to have an unexpected difficulty with long words. However, Meara suggests that the reason of this is that there is a need of putting more effort and time to process and remember polysyllabic words. Other factors are that long words may be less pronounceable than short words. Also, as Laufer (1997) says, in a language as English, shorter words tend to be more frequent in the input. Input factors Krashen (1994) expressed that comprehensible input is all that is necessary for second-language acquisition (Krashen, Stephen (1994). The input hypothesis and its rivals. In Ellis, Nick.  Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages. London: Academic Press. pp.  45-77.  ISBN  978-0-12-237475-3.) Krashen (1981) also said from some of his studies that the length of time a person stays in a foreign country is closely linked with his level of language acquisition. Cook, Vivian (2008).  Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. London: Arnold.  ISBN  978-0-340-95876-6. For further more evidence, Cook (2008) suggests that input comes from studies on reading: large amounts of free voluntary reading have a significant positive effect on learners vocabulary, grammar, and writing. Input is also the mechanism by which people learn languages according to the  universal grammar  model. Krashen, Stephen (1981a).  Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. New York: Pergamon Press.  ISBN  0-08-025338-5. Retrieved 2011-02-28. Interactional factors Ellis refers to interactional factors when the interaction provides more input that becomes more prominent to learners, and also she says that learners can acquire vocabulary from non-interactional input through different techniques, as teacher-discourse, which includes definition, conjunction, elaboration, among others. Learner factors Ellis suggests that the factors that are related directly with learners may be combined with different variations while the acquisition occurs, due to their background knowledge, procedural knowledge, second language vocabulary size, morphological knowledge, and learners L1. EVIDENCE: In the past, it was believed in the proposition that most vocabulary was learned incidentally through the argument that learning from context is the only way to account for most vocabulary acquisition and for the close relationship between the growth of vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension ability. (e.g., Nagy Anderson, 1984; Sternberg, 1987). Some researchers have investigated the subject matter and have shown evidence that vocabulary can be incidentally learnt through the exposure to reading comprehension texts. On one hand evidence presented from a case study of a Japanese ESL speaker studying anthropology at an American university (Parry, 1993) demonstrated her incremental vocabulary growth over time through repeated encounters with given words in the course textbook. Experimental evidence of incidental vocabulary growth has been reported in research on secondary school students learning pseudo- L1 words and rare L2 words (Hulstijn, 1992), in which significant-if quite low-incidental learning of target words occurred from a single encounter in a 900-word text. Similarly, an experiment that required adult ESL learners to read and subsequently recall stories demonstrated retention of some low-frequency L2 words first encountered in a 300-word expository text (Joe, 1995). A more complete study by Paribakht Wesche, 1997 was based on tracked vocabulary learning by 38 intermediate-level university ESL learners in a thematic reading program under Reading Only and Reading Plus instructional conditions, each program requiring equivalent class time. Learners experienced two thematic units for each treatment, thus acting as their own controls. In Reading Only, learners read selected texts on two themes (a total of four texts) and had to answer comprehension questions. The texts provided multiple exposures to a number of nouns, verbs, and discourse connectors that had been identified as generally unfamiliar to students at this level of ESL proficiency. In the Reading Plus treatment, students had to read four texts on two themes and then carried out text-based vocabulary activities targeting the same set of words. Gains in both treatments were measured by pre and post-administration of the target word list using the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS; Paribakht Wesche, 1993; Wesche Paribakht, 1996), an instrument that was developed not only to measure the number of words learners knew to some extent but also to identify different levels of knowledge ranging from the recognition of the word; its meaning and also the ability of learners to use the word grammatically correct in a sentence. The results between known versus unknown words before and after instruction on the VKS indicated significant gains in both treatments, although Reading Plus led to greater gains. After the Reading Only treatment, learners knowledge of target words tended to remain at the recognition level, whereas after the Reading Plus treatment many learners were able to write sentences using the new words. These findings were interpreted to mean that, although multiple encounters with given words during reading leads to increased knowledge of the words, a combination of reading and text-based exercises demanding different kinds of analysis and practice of the words is more effective for vocabulary learning. Despite the more favorable results of Reading Plus, the significant gains in Reading Only are arguably of greater practical significance for language learn Reading and Incidental L2 Vocabulary Acquisition. The concept of glosses dates back to the Middle Ages, but it has been largely studied by researchers until late in this century. Glosses provide a short definition or an image in order to facilitate reading and comprehension processes for L2 learners. Nation (1983) defined glosses as short definitions; Pak (1986) refers to them as explanations of the meanings of words. Glosses are usually located in the side or bottom margins, and they are most often supplied for unfamiliar words, which may help to limit continual dictionary consultation that may hinder and interrupt the L2 reading comprehension process. Many studies have confirmed that a gloss is more useful than no gloss for incidental vocabulary learning. Hulstijin, Hollander and Greidanus (1996) have examined the effectiveness of glosses on incidental vocabulary learning. They studied the influence of marginal glosses, dictionary use, and the reoccurrence of unknown words on incidental vocabulary learning. Recently, researchers have become interested in which gloss type is more effective, and whether there are any differences between different glosses, for example, between single glosses and multiple-choice glosses (Duan Yan, 2004; Miyasako, 2002). Miyasako (2002) compared multiple-choice glosses and single glosses and found there was no difference between the multiple-choice and single glosses in their effect on vocabulary learning. Duan Yan (2004) also examined the effects of multiple-choice glosses, single glosses and no glosses. The results indicated that both multiple-choice glosses and single glosses significantly promoted incidental vocabulary learning, while multiple-choice glosses were better than single glosses in incidental vocabulary learning. Others studied the effects of sentence-level L1 translations on incidental vocabulary learning. Grace (1998, 2000) tested the effects of sentence-level L1 translations on incidental vocabulary learning, while Gettys et al. (2001) compared the glosses of sentence level L1 translation with the glosses of dictionary form L1. Grace used sentence-level L1 translations to replace word definitions or explanations and found that the translation glosses were very effective, while Gettys et al. found that the dictionary form glosses were more effective than sentence-level translation glosses.