Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Beauty of the Nightingale Essay Example for Free

The Beauty of the Nightingale Essay Closing â€Å"The nightingale and the rose†, I feel really impressed by the small bird in the tale with its beauty. The nightingale is the embodiment of love and greatness. When seeing the student’s trouble, not like any other feature, she can understand and share with him the sorrow. Moreover, she even highly appreciates and worships his love, ready to help him solve this problem- finding the red rose. At that time, she likes a beholder- â€Å"she spread her brown wings for flight, and soared into the air. She passed through the grove like a shadow, and like a shadow she sailed across the garden†. Through the soft describing, Oscar Wide shows the readers an admirable image of the Nightingale. A small and fragile bird is ready to sacrifice for love because in her mind, love is better than live. This is totally different from the young student. She flies everywhere to find the red rose; meanwhile, he still sits and cries. The Nightingale thought that â€Å"what is the heart of a bird compared to the heart of a man?†, but love in this bird is greater than one in the student. I find that she is a sample of the state â€Å"live to love†. Lovely, hard-working and active are all of her best characteristics. However, her sacrifice and hope are gone out. The detail â€Å"he through the rose into the street, where it fell into the gutter and a cartwheel went over it† makes me angry a lot because the boy didn’t respect this red rose. The red rose is the Nightingale’ soul and beauty, but he didn’t know that. In somewhere in the heaven, if she sees this sense, she will be certainly sad and disappointed. I feel really sorry for the death of this small bird and also admire this death. She symbolizes the beauty of love and sincere.

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