Sunday, May 24, 2020

The United States Of The Industrial Revolution - 1720 Words

â€Å"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man s needs, but not every man s greed.† - Mahatma Gandhi Since the start of the Industrial Revolution the United States of America has been dependent on burning fossil fuels for energy. In 2015 nearly sixty seven percent of energy generated in the United States was from fossil fuels including coal, natural gas, and petroleum. The United States had been aware of a large abundance of natural gas in shale rock formations thousands of feet below the surface; however, when they first found these rocks around 1940 there was no technology or tools advanced enough to drill into these rocks, until the 1970s and 1980s. Companies worked endlessly finding a way to allow shale rocks to release the gas that they held. Companies eventually came up with a practice called hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking; this process utilizes water pressure to fracture or break a rock in order to release and collect fuel such as gas or oil. In recent y ears, companies have mixed sand, chemicals and other proponents to retrieve the maximum amount of gas that each drilling site has to offer. A heated debate has begun concerning these mixtures and the money involved in fracking. While one side asserts that fracking should be banned because of potential environmental damage produced by the fracking mixtures, others claim that fracking should continue because of potential gains it could provide for the economy in the United States. According to John PritchardShow MoreRelatedThe Industrial Revolution Of The United States1388 Words   |  6 PagesOrlando Quinones American history Ms. Hilderman January 29, 2015 TTP Chapter 2 After the Civil War, the United States began to enter a period of genuine prosperity and development known as industrialization. Despite the vast amount of wealth it had created, industrialization also created a considerable number of economic and social problems that became a controversial issue. 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Thinking back to that time, we can easily think of noticeable differences between how the world was and how it is today. The United States was a small, developing country, still trying to overcome the effects of a costly revolution. Across the ocean, once the United States’ major rival, Great Britain, was still the greatest power in the world. And around theRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Of The United States1794 Words   |  8 PagesWhen people think industrial revolution they thing factories and smoke but the revolution was so much more than that. The industrial revolution transformed manufacturing transportation and communication. The century long even took goods normally made by hand and turned them into some of the first massed produced product. . It transformed the daily lives of Americans more than any other event to ever take place in the United States of America. 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The century long even took goods normally made by hand and turned them into some of the first massed produced products. It transformed the daily lives of Americans as much as— and arguably more than—any single event in U.S. history. The industrial revolutionRead MoreEffects Of The Industrial Revolution On The United States1212 Words   |  5 PagesSpencer Neal Mr. Connolly US History Term Paper 10 November 2015 The Effect of the Industrial Revolution The American Industrial Revolution changed the United States residents from rural people to individuals that were exceedingly industrialized. They performed their work in processing plants and used machines. Many people took control of the Industrial Revolution such as: JP Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, and John D. Rockefeller. 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