Saturday, September 28, 2019

Case study # An Invisible Superintendent Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

# An Invisible Superintendent - Case Study Example However, considering the busy schedule of the superintendent, Dr. Myer could have sought alternative options of communications. For instance provide written a submission of her proposal. The conduct of the superintendent may not be voluntary. Since acquiring his job, he has been provided with numerous tasks that may require more time that he has to attend to all his duties. For instance, he was appointed to the board of a local bank and local United Way (Lecture Notes, 2014, pp.6, Par 2). In this case, the professional conflict between the school and other working positions is created. As a board member, he is required to perform administrative duties in all these institutions. These acquaintances can be attributed to the behavior on being absent in his administrative post at the school. However, at one time the superintendent was attending to a family emergency, and Dr. Myers needed his presence at the school. His absence at work place is also caused by the conflict in his personal relationship and professional life. Dr. Myers was justified and appropriate. As a board member, she had the opportunity to inspire people of Placid Falls. She developed a project that would increase the significance of the school in the district. She was hopeful and accurate that the project would be successful. However, to her disappointment she could get the superintendent to approve of her proposal. Furthermore, she was dissatisfied that she was not provided with the opportunity to present the proposal to the board. For this reason, she was angered by the school administration to ignore the seriousness of the issue. However, she was in a position to push her proposal to the board through other channels. Additionally, she could seek legal guidance from her husband on the best way to handle the situation. The role of a head school administrator requires a person that may spend a lot of time at their work station. For this reason,

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