Saturday, September 7, 2019

The History of the Guidance Movement in the United States Essay

The History of the Guidance Movement in the United States - Essay Example In the United States the history and development of guidance and counseling was influenced by various events and personalities. Before guidance and counseling was formally introduced in the country, the formative years began in the latter half of the 18th century. During this period, there became more humane care for the mentally disturbed and greater awareness in application of treating human behavior. (Myrick, 2003) The formal history of guidance and counseling in the United States dates back to 1908 when Frank Parsons established the Boston Vocational Bureau. The objective of Parsons in establishing such institution was to provide the youth with vocational assistance in school. Because of his contributions, Parsons was named as the father of the guidance movement. According to Blocher, "The Guidance Movement developed from the need to help these early school leavers develop a rational plan with which to begin their careers." (2000) Guidance and counseling in the United States bega n as vocational counseling. The primary objective of counseling during such time was to help students determine their career of choice and future plans. Another influential person in the development of guidance and counseling was Jesse B. Davis.

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